Salesforce integration licenses – how to implement

Written by our lead architect David Smith Salesforce has recently release their new Integration licenses, which allows you to connect to external sites without taking up a standard (expensive) license. All accounts on enterprise and up will get 5 licenses, and it sounds like getting extra licenses is an inexpensive process (to confirm, but it […]

Lightning Navigation Button

  Declaratively add buttons to lightning flows, screens or communities We created the Advanced Navigation button to fill a need in the user base.  Salesforce is fantastic out of the box but there are limitations in particular with buttons.  This managed package looks to meet some of those needs using clicks and not code. The […]

Send email-alerts and log the email.

Use process build, flow or apex to send an email   See the sent email in the activity feed We strongly recommend using Flows to send emails – they are better than process builders and easier to debug. #1 Install Upvote the idea for Salesforce to make this standard. Install the package – this only works on […]

The Ultimate Free Salesforce Admin Tools

Pragmatic Solutions while we wait on Salesforce Ideas
We love Salesforce and love the flexibility it gives us. There are times where functionality isn’t quite released yet. So this page contains a list of tools you can use until the functionality is released. They are all designed for admins to be fired from process builder.

Declarative Scheduler Tool

Credit – I need to give ample credit and then some more to Doug Ayers. The original version was inspired by some of his work and then in version 2 it is literally copied off his work. His schedule adding campaign members is built into the tool Sample user cases A report of all leads […]