The Need
With the recent requirements from the NZ Government to implement My Vaccine Pass scanning, it’s become more important than ever to have a digital strategy that enhances your customers’ experiences, rather than putting roadblocks in front of them. Whether you want to pre-validate your customers’ My Vaccine Pass before they arrive at an event, or integrate a QR code scan into your existing sign-in process, GravityLab can offer options to facilitate an integrated solution using your existing customer data.
With pre-validation, we set up a publicly accessible page that allows users to upload a picture or PDF of their My Vaccine Pass. From here we check whether the pass is valid, or if you want a more personalised approach, we check whether the pass also matches the customer’s details. We capture failed scans against that same customer record, and if there’s a mismatch of data we put it into a queue for manual verification.
Early implementation of this process showed a 94% success rate from pass uploads, with only 6% needing manual intervention. At scale, this could save hundreds of hours of work that would have been spent doing the manual verification process for every customer.

In-person scanning:
If you have an existing scan-in process using Salesforce (for example, membership cards), or want to add one, we can incorporate My Vaccine Pass scanning into this step. This could be via existing barcode scanners that you’re already using, or using mobile devices. For customers who have already had their My Vaccine Pass scanned, we can optionally store the expiry date in Salesforce so that we only request it again when required.
Benefits of using this approach over the NZ Pass Verifier app:
We can link and store this data to your existing CRM.
You could use this data to personalise marketing. For example, the ability to send a different invite email if you already know someone is vaccinated.
Pre-validation makes event management more efficient.
It’s a better customer experience; by storing the expiry date of customers’ My Vaccine Pass, it means that they won’t need to get their pass scanned with every visit.
With the scans happening through Salesforce, you will be able to report on that data in real-time.
It enables a consistent process across your team. You don’t need to rely on personal devices being used, since it can leverage existing hardware (i.e. barcode scanners) you’re already using.
It leverages the existing data security and privacy standards provided by Salesforce.
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